MaisUno +1
“Poets Passing By”
Part 1From the 6th to the 19th of April 2024, we embarked on a creative journey by collecting poems, thoughts, and texts from people passing by our space in the metro station. We invited them to express themselves by writing on post-its or contributing to the large paper displayed on our wall.
On the last day of the project, we hosted an inspiring poetry slam, featuring many talented writers who captivated the audience with their poems.
Building on the success and enthusiasm generated by this initiative, we decided to continue our project with an exhibition. From the 18th to the 20th of May, the collective poem created from the contributions we received will be showcased along the works presented on the poetry slam event.
Moreover, our mission to infuse the city with the magic of poetry, will become a reality thanks to the spread of the poems exhibited throughout the city of Lisbon.

Photos by: Nicole Sánchez

“Poets Passing By” - the exhibition
Part 2After the event, the poems collected were exhibited in the Picoas metro space, where people could come and read them.
The various poems were also spread around the city. A map would lead the visitors of the exhibition to discover which corner of the city might’ve hold a poem for them!

Photos by: Nicole Sánchez