mais uno +1 is a curatorial, project, and research collective that acts in search of the transformative power of art through the creation of incremental relationships/ecosystems between artists, communities, and territories

Aurélie d’Incau (LU)
— visual artist

Eugenia Bianchessi (IT)
— graphic designer

Frederike Antonia Ohnewald (DE)
— cultural manager

Julia Dżbik (PL)
— cultural manager

Karina Zelonka (LV)
— cultural manager

Lígia Fernandes (PT)
— visual artist. curator

Ludmila Nawrotzki (DE)
— artistic education. design. communication

Mihaela Rašica (HR)
— painter, art education

Nicole Sánchez (PT)
— photographer. visual artist. curator

Ricarda Oldekop (DE)
— cultural manager

Riddhi Varma (IN)
— architect. urbanist. curator. researcher

Sara Husnjak (CZ)
— graphic designer

Sophia Niederkofler (IT)
— architect. explorer. artist

Zoë Nowraty (DE)
— visual artist. cultural manager

Zsófi Molnár (HU)
— cultural manager
recent projects
Who we are?
The most unified collective +1 works according to a free, open and horizontal. Anyone can join the collective upon approval, and leave whenever you want. New members are always welcome as long as demonstrate: willingness to work collectively in a non-hierarchical way, interest in the topics covered by the collective, motivation and empathy.