Places of Impermanence
Summer Residency/Studios in Talude and Quinta da Fonte.
— project duration
FEBRUARY 15th - MARCH 15th 2024
R. da Holanda 1 2775-405 Carcavelos
Monday 9:00 am - 8:00 pm
Tuesday 9:00 am - 8:00 pm
Wednesday 9:00 am - 8:00 pm
Thursday 9:00 am - 8:00 pm
Friday 9:00 am - 8:00 pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
FEBRUARY 15th - MARCH 15th 2024
R. da Holanda 1 2775-405 Carcavelos
Monday 9:00 am - 8:00 pm
Tuesday 9:00 am - 8:00 pm
Wednesday 9:00 am - 8:00 pm
Thursday 9:00 am - 8:00 pm
Friday 9:00 am - 8:00 pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
— curatorial team
Lígia Fernandes ± main curator
Ricarda Oldekop ± communication ± exhibition curator
Karīna Zelonka ± communication
Nicole Campos Sánchez ± exhibition curator ± photographer
Inês Nêves ± design
Xristina Sagioglou ± exhibition curator ± exhibition assistance
Léa Heudes ± graphic design exhibition
Aurelie d’Incau ± build-up assistance
Alexia Alexandropoulou ± editor
Lígia Fernandes ± main curator
Ricarda Oldekop ± communication ± exhibition curator
Karīna Zelonka ± communication
Nicole Campos Sánchez ± exhibition curator ± photographer
Inês Nêves ± design
Xristina Sagioglou ± exhibition curator ± exhibition assistance
Léa Heudes ± graphic design exhibition
Aurelie d’Incau ± build-up assistance
Alexia Alexandropoulou ± editor
— exhibiting artists
Alberto Maria Gatti / Lorenzo Ballerini (IT)
Elena Aya Bundurakis (GR/JPN)
Marianne Delaforge (FR)
Marie Jiménez (DOM)
Muro Atelier (PT)
Joana Tomas (PT/FR) Vincent Rault (FR)
Rita Leitão (PT)
Zala Pori (SI)
Alberto Maria Gatti / Lorenzo Ballerini (IT)
Elena Aya Bundurakis (GR/JPN)
Marianne Delaforge (FR)
Marie Jiménez (DOM)
Muro Atelier (PT)
Joana Tomas (PT/FR) Vincent Rault (FR)
Rita Leitão (PT)
Zala Pori (SI)
— partnerships : sponsors : thank you
AMRT - Associação para a Mudança
e Representação Transcultural
NOVA-School of Business and Economics NOVA Community
NOVA library
Desis Lab
Alberto Maria Gatti
Lorenzo Ballerini
Elena Aya Bunduraki Emma Gonsales Moro
Marianne Delaforge
Marie Jiménez
Muro Atelier: Joana Tomas & Vincent Rault
Rita Leitão
Zala Pori
Anabela Carvalho
Felix Schlüter-Oldekop
AMRT - Associação para a Mudança
e Representação Transcultural
NOVA-School of Business and Economics NOVA Community
NOVA library
Desis Lab
Alberto Maria Gatti
Lorenzo Ballerini
Elena Aya Bunduraki Emma Gonsales Moro
Marianne Delaforge
Marie Jiménez
Muro Atelier: Joana Tomas & Vincent Rault
Rita Leitão
Zala Pori
Anabela Carvalho
Felix Schlüter-Oldekop
— special thank you
Talude and Quinta da Fonte Residents
Marianne Delaforge and Laurent Mendy
Rolando Borges and Aurio Sebastião (AMRT)
Talude and Quinta da Fonte Residents
Marianne Delaforge and Laurent Mendy
Rolando Borges and Aurio Sebastião (AMRT)
Sofia Leite
Glória Meireles
Amélia Novo
Helena Barahona Simões
Cristina Vilar
Glória Brito
Bárbara Miguel
Glória Brito
Jorge Almeida
Simão Brito
and other anonymous friends that kindly donated for this project.
Sofia Leite
Glória Meireles
Amélia Novo
Helena Barahona Simões
Cristina Vilar
Glória Brito
Bárbara Miguel
Glória Brito
Jorge Almeida
Simão Brito
and other anonymous friends that kindly donated for this project.

Which forces lead us to move away from our land?
To what extent can we do something about them?
Is leaving an act of courage?
What do we learn along the way, what do we create, and what do we bring with us?
How far is this journey?
Which land do we call ours?
Where is the home to return to?
When does impermanence become permanence?
Place one: QUINTA DA FONTE - A social neighbourhood built to re-locate people who lived in the area which later became EXPO ‘98 / Parque das Nações, as well as other areas of the city which needed to be relocated (Portela, Prior Velho, Quinta da Serra).. Therefore, we find, in the same place, people of different origins, such as Portuguese, Romani portuguese, and several African and afro-descendant populations.
Place two: TALUDE - An informal, self-built neighbourhood, built by the african immigrants on a private land, mostly composed of Cape Verdean families and descendants. It has very few businesses, a restaurant, a bar, a “distillery”, and many farms created by the inhabitants. This is an impermanent territory, in continuous risk of demolition for urban re-planning. Located a few minutes from Parque Das nações, its hillside, overlooks the urban city development, in high contrast with its informality and connection to nature.
The program was aimed at people looking for space, focused time, and stimulating conversations that could foster collaboration with local communities and inspire the development of innovative, bottom-up projects. This first PLAY(THE)GROUND residency edition (pilot) took place between July and September 2023, and counted with the participation of 10 residents from fields such as sound art, painting, illustration, architecture, filmmaking and sculpture. With the support of NOVA-SBE, we now present the residency results, creating new connections between the university, the different communities involved and the public.
To what extent can we do something about them?
Is leaving an act of courage?
What do we learn along the way, what do we create, and what do we bring with us?
How far is this journey?
Which land do we call ours?
Where is the home to return to?
When does impermanence become permanence?
This summer, the collective Mais Uno +1 invited a group of artists, creatives and researchers to spend some time in places of (im)permanence. These places tell stories: some were created by those who arrived, like mirrors from the land of departure, some were imposed, shaped by urban progress, forcing transitions along the way. Some welcome people from a single origin, others aggregate people from many origins. They act as places of reflection about our own stories, about what we feel in our bodies, the tiredness, the longing and the hope. For the next generations, they are also places of re-imagination, for which you are invited to enter.Place one: QUINTA DA FONTE - A social neighbourhood built to re-locate people who lived in the area which later became EXPO ‘98 / Parque das Nações, as well as other areas of the city which needed to be relocated (Portela, Prior Velho, Quinta da Serra).. Therefore, we find, in the same place, people of different origins, such as Portuguese, Romani portuguese, and several African and afro-descendant populations.
Place two: TALUDE - An informal, self-built neighbourhood, built by the african immigrants on a private land, mostly composed of Cape Verdean families and descendants. It has very few businesses, a restaurant, a bar, a “distillery”, and many farms created by the inhabitants. This is an impermanent territory, in continuous risk of demolition for urban re-planning. Located a few minutes from Parque Das nações, its hillside, overlooks the urban city development, in high contrast with its informality and connection to nature.
The program was aimed at people looking for space, focused time, and stimulating conversations that could foster collaboration with local communities and inspire the development of innovative, bottom-up projects. This first PLAY(THE)GROUND residency edition (pilot) took place between July and September 2023, and counted with the participation of 10 residents from fields such as sound art, painting, illustration, architecture, filmmaking and sculpture. With the support of NOVA-SBE, we now present the residency results, creating new connections between the university, the different communities involved and the public.

Photos by Marianne Delaforge

Photos by Elena Aya Bundurakis

Photos by: Alberto Maria Gatti / Lorenzo Ballerini

Photo Gallery

Photos: Nicole Sánchez